Tears of Someone Who Is Not Here Anymore
This variable installation occupies a spacious yet intimate alcove under the stairs case leading to Morley House studio.

It was born from a phrase that Christos came up with: tears of someone who is not there anymore.

What followed was a poem (written subsequently in charcoal on the wall) and a series of ceramic tears combined with disintegrating beeswax dwellings.

It is our shared meditation on loss, on memory and what remains when someone is gone from your life forever.

Once in a podcast conversation with Antony Tino (and with his help) I managed to formulate an important work principle for us at Morley House. 

An artist duo that we are, we are also partners in life, meaning, we go through life occurrences together and share a lot of so-called emotional knowings. Out of this shared emotional experience many of our works are born.

‘Tears of Someone Who Is Not Here Anymore’, for example, emerged from a shared experience of bereavement.
